EPS Pre-Job Brief Form
Site & Emergency Info
Job Location (include Bldg. Name and/or #):
Physical Address (include county for 911 Response):
Nearest medical facility:
AED/First Aid/Burn Kit Location:
Employee in Charge:
Employee in Charge Mobile Number:
Emergency Site Contact & Number:
Job Scope and Preparation
Job Scope & Work Instructions (including pre and post work set-up):
Operator Qualification(s) – verify crew members are qualified to perform assigned covered task(s) or are working under span of control.
Is this a NERC Space? If so, complete the following:
Does everyone have NERC access?
Who will be the escort? (If needed. Shall have active NERC access on badge for specific readers at site):
Affected Component/System:
Scope Change Occurred – additional scope documented and PJB reviewed
Please describe the scope change:
Will PACS devices generate alarms during work, if so: Contact ESCC prior with site name and devices impacted to include FCPs.
Will VMS devices (Cameras or Ground Base Radar) be taken offline or generate alarms during work, if so: Contact ESCC prior with site name and devices impacted to include NVRs.
Safety Awareness
Actions to Take in an Emergency:
Call Emergency (911) if medical issue; call site contact
Hazard Analysis & Mitigation
Special Precautions:
Job Hazards & Mitigation:
Environmental Risks & Mitigation:
Worst Thing that Can Happen & Mitigation:
Current Weather Conditions:
Critical Steps - Business Areas
Critical step items to observe related to your jobsite location. See
PPE & Review
Select All/Deselect All
Standard PPE:
Hi-Vis Vest
Additional PPE IF needed:
Inspected Harness/Climbing Gear:
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Post Job Review
Did Job go as planned? If NO, explain resolution:
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